Bisexual Men and Relationships

We know that a lot of the misunderstandings and prejudices which bisexual men face are familiar to all bisexual people. Some bisexual men have started writing about this and presenting their own views on their experiences and beliefs about bisexuality. Additionally, recent research suggests that many women (and not only bisexual women!) feel that dating a bisexual man is a very different experience than – and preferable to – dating a heterosexual man.

However, bisexual men can still face a host of prejudices when it comes to dating. A recent survey by Glamour magazine found that 63% of women say they wouldn’t date a man who has had sex with another man, and the Independent recently claimed dating bisexual men is considered ‘taboo’. More concerning still, studies continually report that bisexual (and gay) men are more likely to suffer depression and contemplate suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.

As with all research on bisexual people, there’s not much research out there that reports what bisexual men think about this, and even less which talks about how bisexual men feel about their identities, in terms of how they fit with their relationships. We’re committed to representing as many different bisexual people’s experiences in this project as possible. We’re really grateful to the men, women, and non-binary people who have already taken part in the project but we would still like to hear from more men. So, if you live in the Bristol-area, are a bisexual man, in a relationship or relationships, and would be willing to speak to us for around an hour about your relationship(s) and anything else you’d like to mention about being bisexual, we’d love to hear from you.

For more information on what taking part in the research involves, please send Nikki and Lizzie an email via the form on the ‘Contact Us’ page.

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